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2350 SW Multnomah Blvd Suite I
Portland, OR 97219-3999
(503) 245-3515


Bonding is a procedure in which we apply a tooth-colored composite material to a tooth, shape it, allow it to harden, and polish it. It can be used in certain situations where a tooth has been damaged or become stained. These are generally minor repairs, ones that can be resolved through this relatively inexpensive means rather than through a more costly dental procedure.

Here's how it works:

Your dentist prepares the tooth surface so that the bonding material will adhere. Once that's been applied, we shape it so that it has a natural appearance. We allow the material to harden, usually with the help of a light. Then, we polish and buff so that the surface is smooth.

This is not a process that we recommend if you are a smoker as smoke causes staining. Also, the material is not as durable as porcelain veneers and crowns so it chips more easily. Eventually, it may require replacing.

But it is a perfectly adequate and more affordable solution to certain dental problems. Dental bonding can take less time to accomplish and may not even require anesthesia. And depending upon the issue, insurance may cover it.

Please don't procrastinate if you have a dental problem but are worried about the time, cost, or pain involved. Perhaps dental bonding can offer you a solution. Give us a call so we can discuss options with you.

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SW Neighborhood Dentistry | | (503) 245-3515
2350 SW Multnomah Blvd, Suite I, Portland, OR 97219-3999



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SW Neighborhood Dentistry, 2350 SW Multnomah Blvd, Suite I, Portland, OR 97219-3999 • (503) 245-3515 • • 8/29/2024 • Related Phrases: dentist Portland OR •